
All rights reserved.

If you are interested in purchasing an image, I can be reached through the Contact form at the top of the main page. I am also on Facebook (look for Fine Art Photography by Sharon Knight.)

I am a self taught, regional landscape photographer who has been shooting with passion since 2012. I am inspired by the natural world and feel compelled to explore the landscape as I travel through it either by foot or by car. The sweeping plains, changing light, and the rustic, understated simplicity of the rural midwest bring me feelings of peace and tranquility that I hope come through in my work.

My process is minimal. I shoot hand held in natural light using mostly digital cameras, although I sometimes shoot film with vintage equipment. I process my images a lot or very little, depending on the scene and the mood I wish to convey.

I feel anyone can find inspiration in their own world if they slow down and take a minute to really see what surrounds them. My hope is to share the beauty in a part of the country that is often overlooked.

My images are also available for licensing within the hospitality industry, businesses, and private collections.  I am represented by Farmboy Fine Arts.

Farmboy Fine Arts
Suite 307 – 1930 Pandora St
Vancouver BC V5L 0C7 Canada
T: +1 604 629 7806
F: +1 604 609 2699

farmboyfinearts.com   |   @farmboyfinearts   |   facebook.com/farmboyfinearts